About this event
Thu, April 21, 2022 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
Betaworks Studios 29 Little West 12th Street New York, NY 10014 United States
Special guests:
Steven Johnson – the world-class popular science author, the author of Hidden Heroes stories
Radia Perlman – an American computer programmer and network engineer, one of the Hidden Heroes who invented the spanning-tree protocol (STP)
Hidden Heroes is a digital collection of stories about the people behind modern software and design.
The launch event is an official kick-off of the whole initiative that will uncover unexpected connections between great human stories and technologies and ideas that are widespread public phenomena today. Each month we'll publish a new story about another Hidden Hero who over the past decades has made seemingly small discoveries that are now omnipresent in our everyday life.
During the event, Steven Johnson, who in his work has been trying to understand the real roots of progress and innovation and society, will share what he has discovered while working on the Hidden Heroes stories and will then interview Radia Perlman, a woman who developed the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), an innovation that made today's Internet possible.
Join us to celebrate diverse profiles of people who set the foundations on which we build vital solutions for the modern world.
Run of Show
6:30-6:55 PM – Registration, guests arrive, networking
7:00-7:35 PM – Kick off
Hidden Heroes trailer projection
Hidden Heroes official launch
Radek Zaleski & Marek Talarczyk: Behind the Hidden Heroes idea
Steven Johnson: Roots of innovation and progress
7:30-7:40 PM – Break 7:40-8:20 PM – Interview: Radia Perlman / Steven Johnson 8:35-9:00 PM – Networking By signing up to the event you accept rules of participation.